How Doctors Diagnose Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding

Abnormal bleeding is extremely uncomfortable, and it can even be painful. Abnormal bleeding may come with cramps that feel much like menstrual cramps, or it may come with pain on the vulva or inside the vagina.

Fortunately, there are some ways that doctors can assess the cause of your bleeding. These are some of the ways your doctor can diagnose your condition.

Brief Screening

Before any tests are performed, your doctor will ask you a few questions about your health and history. Your doctor might ask you questions specific to the bleeding as well, including when you tend to bleed and about any other symptoms you have experienced.

Pelvic & Cervical Exam

An examination of the pelvic area, including the cervix, will be helpful. Your doctor may also recommend a pap smear to test for abnormal cells that could be linked to the cause of your bleeding.

Your exam might also include a pelvic ultrasound to check for potential growths, including tumors or abnormalities. If the doctor notices anything that looks out of the ordinary, they will request additional testing or potentially a biopsy.

Pregnancy Test

Often, abnormal bleeding is related to pregnancy or miscarriage. This can be confusing because bleeding can indicate that you are having a miscarriage or that you have another pregnancy-related issue.

Spotting, or light bleeding between periods, may be indicative that you are pregnant.  Even if you do not experience other signs of pregnancy, this is a common early symptom. Your doctor will likely ask that you take a pregnancy test to see if there is an easy answer here.

Hormone Tests

Abnormal vaginal bleeding can be linked to hormonal imbalances. Your doctor will check for other signs of hormonal imbalances, such as abnormal hair growth or serious mood swings.

Hormone tests can provide quick answers and diagnosis, however, treatment can be difficult for these types of conditions. Medication is often the best solution.

Blood Tests

Blood tests serve a few purposes in assessing the cause of your bleeding. For instance, the doctor will test for your blood count to see if there is an obvious explanation. The doctor might also check out your thyroid.

Talk to Your Doctor About Abnormal Bleeding

If you notice bleeding, spotting, or anything else abnormal, it is time to talk to your doctor. These are symptoms that can indicate serious health issues, or they could be totally benign. Contact your doctor to schedule an appointment. For more information on women's healthcare, contact a professional near you.
