When you have an emergency health need, you may be considering going to an urgent care center rather than the emergency room at your local hospital. There are many benefits to using urgent care for non-critical emergencies, one of the main benefits being convenience. The wait time for urgent care centers is often considerably less than in an emergency room. Another perk of using urgent care is that you can often see a doctor at urgent care via a telehealth appointment. Here is what you need to know:
When Can You Have a Telehealth Urgent Care Appointment?
You can book a telehealth appointment with an urgent care center on the same day you need the service in most cases. At most, you may have to wait until the next day if the urgent care does not have available telehealth openings.
What Conditions Can You Address Via a Telehealth Appointment?
There are many issues that can be resolved with a telehealth urgent care appointment. For example, many illnesses can be diagnosed during a telehealth appointment. You can get a prescription for antibiotics if the doctor thinks you need them. If you are having a mild allergic reaction, you can also get help with a telehealth appointment. The doctor can order tests or lab work you need to diagnose an illness or medical issue.
What Health Issues Should You Have Treated In-Person?
Not all medical issues can be resolved with a telehealth appointment. Any injuries that require hands-on medical care must be treated by a doctor at a clinic. If you need any medication that cannot be prescribed, such as IV medication or injections, you also need to see a doctor in an in-person urgent care appointment.
What Happens During a Telehealth Urgent Care Appointment?
During your appointment, you will first go through the intake process. You will be asked for your personal information, your medical history, and a brief overview of what you need to be treated for. This is typically done by a nurse or medical assistant. After this, your doctor or nurse practitioner will arrive on the call, and you will discuss your health concerns. The doctor will determine your diagnosis based on your description of symptoms and act accordingly. They may prescribe medication. They could also send you to have further testing done. In some cases, they may refer you to an in-person appointment for more hands-on treatment if they believe you need additional treatment.
Contact a clinic like Patients Choice Urgent Care to learn more.